Templateog体育首页 品牌标识 设计 & 的指导方针
We have created this page to help our authors, 合作伙伴, and customers quickly find Templateog体育首页 logos, 颜色和字体, and recommendations for their use. A logo is a central element of our brand identity, that is used on our website and other related sources in the form of a web logo, 的图标, 模式, and graphic elements. It has several major variations and can be used in horizontal and vertical positions, with or without the ‘Templateog体育首页 DIGITAL MARKETPLACE’ text. You can download our brand logo files or copy the embedded code in the 6 variants below.
标志 Appropriate Clearance
The logo should be distinctly visible within the rest of the visual content. That’s why, we recommend using it with a clearance, free space around the logo. Here is an example of how to surround the logo with outer spacing.

Considering that Templateog体育首页 has several complex elements, we recommend 130px minimum width for a vertical text logo, 190px for a horizontal, and 80px for a logo without text.
When using the logo on images or banners, please ensure that the color contrast between the background and logo color is sufficient. Please, do not flip the logo or change text and symbol placement. We also do not recommend using gradients, inner and outer glow, proportion deformation, or curving the logo.

The typeface family used on the Templateog体育首页 marketplace is Roboto. It is represented on all 15 local versions of our website and supports Latin, and Cyrillic scripts, for Chinese we replace Roboto with Noto font.
The H1 heading has color: #243238; font size: 30px; font weight: 700; line height: 39px.
The paragraph text has the same color: #243238; the minimum recommended font-size for the text is 16px; the line-height is 1.5.
- WordPress 模板
- HTML模板
- Shopify模板
- WooCommerce 模板
- PrestaShop 模板
- Joomla模板
- 演示文稿 模板
- WordPress 模板
- HTML模板
- Shopify模板
- WooCommerce 模板
- PrestaShop 模板
- Joomla模板
- 演示文稿 模板
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
For your convenience, we have pre-designed author and partner badges. Feel free to download and add them to your website to lead customers to your products on Templateog体育首页.
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